Pussy Willow - Sold in bundles of 10
Zone 36 / Age 1/1 / Size 20cm+
Pussy Willow, Salix discolor, is a deciduous shrub that produces furry catkins in the early spring. It can have a 4-15 ft spread and can be planted in full sun to part shade. The flowers are white with yellow stamens and greenish styles. It can be planted in an area with wetter soil with lots of room to spread. Included in this year's Shoreline Bundle as it is a great option for shoreline planting.
For additional information on Pussy Willows, including planting tips visit: https://www.northernontarioflora.ca/description.cfm?speciesid=1001073
Note: trees and shrubs will not be shipped, you will be required to pick them up at a location in Bancroft, usually on the first weekend in May. Please be sure to provide your contact information so that we can confirm pick-up details.